Our Andy Hobdell from our Private Client Team based in London was recently instructed in respect of a Defendant charged by British Transport Police with possession of an offensive weapon in a public place (lock knife).
As experts in London knife crime, upon taking instructions from the Defendant it quickly became apparent that the alleged offensive weapon was probably not a lock knife. The Defendant had been unrepresented at the Police Station encouraged by British Transport Police to proceed without a Solicitor, telling him it would just mean he would be in custody for longer. Despite making protests in the interview that the alleged offensive weapon was not a lock knife, the Defendant was charged and the case proceeded to Court.
Prior to attending Westminister Magistrates Court, we had obtained an expert’s opinion on the alleged offensive weapon confirming it was not a lock knife.
On the day we attended Court, representations were made to the Prosecutor that the alleged lock knife had no locking mechanism and had a blade less than 3 inches in length. This was escalated to the District Crown Prosecutor who attended to review the case in light of our representations and the evidence produced by ourselves.
When the case was called into Court, the Prosecution withdrew the charge against the Defendant. This successful outcome at Westminster Magistrates Court was achieved by our expert team and resulted in a very happy client.