Violent Crime & Serious Assault Solicitors

Accused of serious assault or violence? Need urgent help? Lawtons Criminal Defence Solicitors are available now. Call us immediately on 0333 577 0522

Are you looking for a specialised serious crime solicitor?

With decades of experience, we specialise in defending people against serious criminal offences. With an excellent track record, we’ve been recognised as a leading criminal law firm – by both The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners.

Murder and Manslaughter Defence Solicitors

There are three main areas when it comes to homicide, with the most severe being murder. The other two are manslaughter, split between voluntary and involuntary, and lastly death by infanticide, corporate manslaughter or careless driving. Read more

Common Assault Solicitors & Lawyers

Common Assault can be a difficult aspect of law to get your head around – no physical contact needs to have even been made to be found guilty. It’s important you get the legal expertise you need to get the best outcome from a case involving common assault. Read more

Domestic Violence & Abuse Defence Solicitors

Being accused of domestic violence can be scary, and will require a special type of representation. Check out this page to find out what to do next. Read more

GBH & ABH Solicitors UK

Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) and Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) are differentiated through the level of injury the victim sustained. Many defence cases are built on self-defence, the Courts look to assess the intentions and the level of force used to assess appropriate penalties. Read more

Kidnapping & Child Abduction Solicitors

Sentences for Abduction and Kidnapping crimes can extend to many years in prison. The law is clear in the distinction between abduction and kidnapping, although both have severe consequences for those found guilty, depending on various factors of the case. Read more

Knife Violence Lawyers in London

With the recent rise in violent knife crime in London, there are now harsher and longer sentencing guidelines around possession of pointed or bladed weapons. A conviction can lead to up to four years in prison. It is vital to contact a specialist solicitor before taking part in any sort of police interview. Read more

FAQs about Serious Violence and Assault Offences

What’s the difference between common assault, ABH and GBH?

Of the three types of these non-fatal assault, grievous bodily harm is the most serious. The difference between GBH, actual bodily harm (ABH) and common assault tends to be determined by the severity of the injuries and the level of intent behind it.

What is the penalty for common assault?

As a summary offence, common assault carries a maximum penalty of six months’ imprisonment and/or a fine.

Which one is worse, ABH or GBH?

GBH is worse than ABH. GBH is used to describe the severest forms of assault. ABH is considered a less serious offence than GBH.

Can you go to prison for common assault?

The maximum sentence for common assault is six months’ imprisonment. Depending on the severity of the assault and the circumstances, a first offencemay not result in a prison sentence.

Is the sentence for murder always imprisonment?

Yes. If a defendant is found guilty of murder, then mandatory life imprisonment is the obligatory sentence. The judge will set a minimum amount of time in prison before the person can be released.

Can a mother stop a father from seeing a child in the UK?

Contact can only be refused where there is good reason, such as a safety issue. In most cases a court will see that both parents’ involvement will benefit a child’s welfare. If there is already a court order in place for contact, refusal to allow the contact to take place may amount to contempt of court and possibly further legal action.

Are there specific domestic violence and assault offences?

No. An arrest for an act of domestic violence and assault would be charged as:
  • Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)
  • Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)
  • Common assault

What happens if you’re caught with a knife?

Police can search you if they think you are carrying a knife. Even if you are carrying the knife for someone else or you believe you need to carry a knife for your own protection, you can still be sent to prison for up to four years.

What is involuntary manslaughter?

Involuntary manslaughter occurs when someone’s death is caused by an unlawful or grossly negligent act. So one person is killed by another but with no intent to kill or cause GBH.

Is it legal to kill in self-defence in the UK?

Anyone can use ‘reasonable’ force to protect themselves. In England and Wales, householders who act ‘honestly and instinctively’ from an intruder can avoid prosecution. It would not be right to say that it is legal to kill in self-defence, it would be necessary to show that the force used was reasoanble and proportionate to the risk that was percieved, in certain extreme cases, this could provide a defence to a charge of murder.

What are the different levels of assault?

Common assault is the least serious form of assault under UK law. It might involve unlawful touching, or perhaps no physical contact at all. However, the repercussions for your personal and professional life can still be considerable. ABH and GBH are more serious offences than common assault, where there is a provable effect on the victim’s health. Both can be either intentional or recklessly caused. The difference between an ABH charge and a GBH charge is that GBH involves a serious injury. Along with this comes tougher sentencing: GBH carries a maximum term of life imprisonment.

How do we defend violent crime charges?

As serious crime solicitors, we use our years of expertise to formulate legal defence strategies that give our clients the best possible chance of acquittal. We look at all the available evidence and examine the prosecution’s approach for possible weaknesses that we can exploit. It’s vital to recognise that each case is different, with unique circumstances – and we treat every case with the discretion and commitment it deserves.

Why choose Lawtons lawyers for your assault charge?

Lawyers for assault charges must be specialists in defending people against charges of violent crime. We have years of experience in representing clients facing serious assault – and murder – charges. Using plain English – not legal jargon – we’ll take you through the legal process and your options. We understand that facing serious charges and the prospect of imprisonment results in great stress, so rest assured that we’ll support you every step of the way. With Lawtons, you’ll get personal service alongside expert defence.

Have you been arrested? Contact us now to safeguard your future.

If you are found guilty of serious violence or assault the consequences can be life-changing. Contact Lawtons Solicitors urgently on 0333 577 0522 to handle your case and help ensure the best possible outcome.

Violent crimes are some of the most serious offences under UK law, so sentences can be severe. Our highly specialised team will examine your case thoroughly in order to build the most robust defence possible, and we will advise and guide you and your family through the case and how court proceedings will work.

Lawtons can represent cases including: