We have recognised that, even though all of our lawyers have devoted their careers to specialising in criminal defence work, in order to truly offer our clients the very best level of service, it is necessary for our lawyers to sometimes hone their specialism in certain niche areas. We have specialist areas and departments that are comprised of lawyers that have a passion for defending and assisting people who find themselves accused of certain types of offences.

Sexual Offence Solicitors
- Indecent Images Solicitors & Lawyers
- Revenge Porn Solicitors
- Sexual Communication With A Child Solicitors
- Inciting Sexual Activity With A Child Offences
- Child Abuse Solicitors & Sexual Abuse Lawyers
- Historic Sexual Abuse & Sex Offences Solicitors
- Specialist Sexual Assault Defence Lawyers
- Indecent Assault Solicitors
- Specialist Rape Defence Solicitors
- Conspiracy To Rape

Driving & Motoring Offence Solicitors in London
- Perverting the Course of Justice Solicitors
- Failing to Stop for the Police After an Accident
- Drug Driving Offence Solicitors
- Driving without Insurance Solicitors
- Dangerous Driving Solicitors
- Texting While Driving / Using Mobiles
- Failure to Provide Breath Test / Urine Sample
- Speeding Offence Solicitors
- Drink Driving Solicitors

Regulatory Offences Solicitors
- Tax Fraud & Evasion Solicitors
- Fire Safety Law Regulations Solicitors
- HMRC Investigations & Tax Solicitors
- Health and Safety Solicitors
- Trading Standards Specialist Solicitors
- Fraud Defence Solicitors
- VAT Appeals & Tax Tribunal Solicitors
- Corporate Crime Defence Solicitors
- Director Disqualification & Investigation Solicitors
- GDPR Compliance & Data Protection Solicitors