Client Found Not Guilty for Possession of Class A Drugs

Lynn Warren headshot

Lynn Warren

Legal Executive


In January 2021, authorities charged our client with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, to which he pleaded not guilty. Delayed substantially due to COVID-19, our team applied in August 2024 for the case to be stayed as an abuse of process, as the prosecution had failed to disclose important evidence. After our expert legal representation at Aylesbury Crown Court, the prosecution agreed to drop the case, and the court recorded formal not guilty verdicts in November 2024.

In Depth

Our client faced serious charges of possession with intent after police found large amounts of cocaine and diamorphine on his person. The police also downloaded his phone, which contained numerous messages indicative of drug dealing. Claiming to have been coerced into handling the drugs, our client pleaded not guilty to the charges. However, there was insufficient evidence to support this, and so this defence was not pursued.

Led by Legal Executive Lynn Warren, our team underwent meticulous research over several years, finally uncovering that the prosecution was withholding phone material that would assist the defence. This included evidence of persistent phone calls from a known drug dealer and supported our case that our client was a victim of coercion.

Due to the prosecution’s failure to disclose this information, our team applied for the case to be stayed as an abuse of process. Barrister Rajesh Pabary of Church Court Chambers represented our client at Aylesbury Crown Court, where the prosecution agreed to offer no evidence, and our client was acquitted of both counts.

Thanks to Lawtons’ expert defence, our client avoided a substantial custodial sentence. He was relieved with the outcome of the case and expressed his gratitude to Lynn and the team for their continued support during this prolonged and difficult period.

Contact Us

If you have been accused of similar allegations and are looking for a solicitor, please contact our specialist team on 0333 577 0522 or visit our enquiries page

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