Very early in the investigation stage, our client contacted us and reached out to Mr Titchener as a specialist defence lawyer with expertise in preparing and representing clients in connection with cases concerning indecent images of children.
Acting from the police interview stage through to the sentencing hearing at the Crown Court many months later, a defence strategy had been created and implemented securing a most favourable outcome for our client.
Charged with allegations of distribution of Cat A indecent images, by instructing various experts and obtaining various reports, our Mr Titchener was able to amass a significant body of mitigating information that enabled the Judge to radically depart from the Sentencing Guidelines and impose a far more lenient and just sentence than one that would otherwise have been given. With a starting point on Sentencing Guidelines of an immediate three year custodial term, a two year community order with rehabilitation requirements reflects the considerable effort that had been put in to preparing the case from the outset.
The sheer extent of that effort also pay dividends as the client avoided the all but inevitable Sexual Harm Prevention Order that the Police and CPS were seeking, the Judge being persuaded that due to the reports available there was no necessity for such an Order being imposed.
Nick and the private client team at Lawtons are able to provide the support and understanding needed for offences of this nature. They are available to deal with clients on a nationwide basis.