Success at Wimbledon Magistrate Court for Revenge Porn Case

2nd February 2024 | Lawtons News|
Paul Dillon headshot

Paul Dillon


Paul Dillon, one of the partners in the corporate team in our London office, accepted instructions from a client charged with disclosing intimate sexual photographs or more commonly referred to as revenge porn. The initial police investigation commenced with an interview under caution at Kingston police station in early 2023 and concluded at Wimbledon Magistrates Court by way of sentence.

From the very outset, the client was advised that matters such as these are taken extremely seriously by the courts. These types of sexual offences are always very sensitive and by definition, usually involve the breakdown of an intimate relationship, which in itself adds to the stresses of the case.

The client in relation to this matter was a middle-aged lady of impeccable good character who had successfully achieved to date a long career within the aeronautical industry.

After considering the prosecution evidence in detail and obtaining a significant amount of background information from the client, a guilty plea was advised to attain maximum credit from the court.

Defence mitigation was collated and provided to the court to assist the court in the sentencing exercise in conjunction with a pre-sentence report from probation.

The prosecution, by reference to the sentencing guidelines, put the case as a B2 with a starting point of 12 weeks of immediate custody. 

Despite the fact that the sentencing bench assessed the case more seriously and, in fact, placed it as a B1 with a starting point of 26 weeks of immediate custody, Paul was, however, able to persuade the court to deal with the matter by way of a suspended sentence order meaning that the client retained her liberty and could continue with her career.

Facing revenge porn allegations? Trust Lawtons to defend your rights vigorously. Our experienced legal team specialises in handling sensitive cases and will provide comprehensive support throughout the legal process. Take the first step towards securing your legal defence – contact Lawtons revenge porn solicitors today.

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